Principal's Message 2024
Principal's Message 2024
Kindful. Grateful. Mindful.
Nurturing character beyond achievement: The essence of a YTSS education for YTzens
There are two types of virtues: “resume virtues” and “eulogy virtues”.
We are familiar with resume virtues. They embellish our testimonials and job application forms; we spend a good part of our formative years at home and in school nurturing and developing virtues such as “leadership”, “entrepreneurship”, “drive”. The workplace and society-at-large celebrate them because these virtues help us excel in our studies, develop businesses, and grow the economy. It is no wonder therefore that our ability as a school to inculcate resume virtues will largely determine our success in achieving our vision – A Community of Leaders, A Fraternity of Professionals, A School of Distinction.
However, a YTSS education is not complete just by teaching students what they can do and achieve, but to also let them discover who they are. Specifically, who they are in relation to their own strengths, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities, as well as in relation to others and the world at large. This can only be done through developing one’s eulogy virtues. Eulogy virtues are not macabre qualities but rather wholesome virtues that allow individuals to radiate and glow, transform hearts, and uplift spirits.
Resume virtues level people up, eulogy virtues raise our ceiling.
Theme for 2024: Kindful. Grateful. Mindful.
Our theme for 2024, “Kindful. Grateful. Mindful”, encapsulates three (arguably) important eulogy virtues that I feel deserve renewed attention. They are necessary for our YTzens to lead fulfilling lives, see challenges and setbacks from various perspectives, and to put positive relationship building in the front and centre of their lives.
But what does it mean to be “Kindful”, “Grateful” and “Mindful”? Let me offer some brief thoughts as well as share with you how the school will help our YTzens to build them.
To be Kindful
To be kindful is to be kind to ourselves and to be kind to others. Social scientist Jonathan Haidt rightly calls the current youth “the anxious generation” due to several stressors that they encounter more than the previous ones. Our student development team, and the various mental wellbeing efforts will teach them how to be kind to themselves and embrace both their strengths and weaknesses. There is a Japanese art of “Wabi Sabi” (侘寂) that celebrates the aesthetics of imperfection. In the same way, by finding beauty in the hairline cracks, chipped corners, and uneven varnish, we want to teach our learners to be kind to themselves, and also to the imperfect others. The school constantly creates opportunities to remind YTzens to be kindful.
Be kind to ourselves - At our 37th Speech Day in 2023, the 'Dare to Dream @ YTSS' Wall, featuring Dream Catchers designed by our students, embodies this ethos. On this wall, our YTzens and staff shared their aspirations and moments of seizing opportunities. This initiative not only united our school community but also encouraged them to embrace imperfections and celebrate personal growth, aligning with our commitment to nurturing self-kindness and embracing the unique journeys of each individual.

(Photo on the left: YTzens penning their dreams for the ‘Dare to Dream @ YTSS’ Wall. Photo on the right: The Dare to Dream @ YTSS Wall)
Be kind to others – Each year, our school organizes the Dress For A Good Cause Day (DFAGC). This event encourages YTzens to contribute to a chosen beneficiary. Through raising funds for a charitable cause, YTzens get to wear their home clothes on our DFAGC day. DFAGC serves as a platform for our YTzens to realise the impact of seemingly small, meaningful actions in enhancing the lives of the less fortunate. This event instills the values of kindness to others and social responsibility, illustrating that even simple acts can significantly better the lives of others.

(Photo above: Last year, our chosen beneficiary was the Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF). We hope that the funds raised & cards would inspire and encourage the children who are currently undergoing treatment at CCF!)
To be Grateful
To be grateful is to adopt a mindset of abundance and to give thanks to both opportunities and failures. We have conducted discussions on contemporary issues for many years in commemoration for key NE events like Racial Harmony Day. Together with our UGs and other CCE lessons, our YTzens internalise why it is so important to practise gratitude for the peace and stability that we enjoy as a nation and society. In so doing, it underscores the importance to be an active and positive contributor to our cherished shared space. Our YM team works very closely with the various FTs and parents/caregivers to help our learners build lasting and positive relationships with their peers, and their parents.

(Photo above: As part of our Racial Harmony Commemoration in 2023, YTSS was honoured to host Ms Gan Siow Huang (Minister of State, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Manpower) and guests from MOE. Our guests joined the discussions facilitated by our teachers to deepen their understanding and appreciation about racial harmony in a safe, shared and common space for everyone. Photo Credit: Ministry of Education, Singapore)
To be mindful
To be mindful is to be aware of one’s emotions, thoughts and actions; and how it is important to enjoy the blissful present. It has been well established by neuroscience that the human brain only completes its development and matures when one reaches the 20s. To aid our learners in their development, we teach them skills and techniques to stay focussed and disciplined. During a special assembly programme in 2023, our YTzens had the privilege of hosting Ms. Veronica Shanti Pereira, a decorated athlete with numerous gold and silver medals at the 32nd SEA Games and the 19th Asian Games. Her inspiring journey as a national athlete emphasized the significance of mindfulness, discipline, and consistency in achieving one's goals.

(Photo on the left: Ms Pereira sharing her insights with Ytzen during the special assembly. Ms Pereira’s insights resonated deeply with our commitment to nurturing our YTzens' emotional awareness, focus, and present-moment engagement, all of which are vital aspects in their developmental journey. Photo on the right: All smiles for a group photograph!)
In addition, we are progressively adopting positive discipline and restorative approaches to manage our learners; our two runs of Beyond Classroom Week also deliberately incorporate reflection for our YTzens.
2024 will no doubt be another year of learning and reflection for YTSS and YTzens. I hope it will also be the year when kindness, gratitude, and mindfulness take root and blossom to be part and parcel of our daily language. This will go a long way to give our YTzens the confidence, magnanimity, and courage to thrive and flourish.
Yours in learning,
Mr Ng Teo Heng